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Mocked executors provide a way to control the behavior of task node types to be either pass through or execute a alternate command with modified configurations.

  • Runs the pipeline only in local environment.
  • Enables unit testing of the pipeline in both yaml and SDK definitions.
  • Isolates specific node(s) from the execution for further analysis.
  • Not meant to be used for production deployments


executor: mocked
    name of the name:

By default, all the task steps are passed through without an execution. By providing patches, indexed by the name of the node, gives control on the command to run and the configuration of the command.

Command configuration for notebook nodes

python and shell based tasks have no configuration options apart from the command. Notebook nodes have additional configuration options detailed in concepts. Ploomber engine provides rich options in debugging failed notebooks.


Mocking nodes

The following example shows the simple case of mocking all the steps of the pipeline.

You can execute the mocked pipeline by: runnable execute -f examples/concepts/simple.yaml -c examples/configs/mocked-config-simple.yaml

You can execute the mocked pipeline by:

runnable_CONFIGURATION_FILE=examples/configs/mocked-config-simple.yaml python examples/concepts/

The flag mock is set to be true for the execution of node simple which denotes that the task was mocked.

    "run_id": "minty-goodall-0528",
    "dag_hash": "",
    "use_cached": false,
    "tag": "",
    "original_run_id": "",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "steps": {
        "simple": {
            "name": "simple",
            "internal_name": "simple",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "step_type": "task",
            "message": "",
            "mock": true,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "d76cf865af2f8e03b6c1205403351cbe42e6cdc4",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-02-11 05:28:40.812597",
                    "end_time": "2024-02-11 05:28:40.812627",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.000030",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "message": "",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {},
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": []
        "success": {
            "name": "success",
            "internal_name": "success",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "step_type": "success",
            "message": "",
            "mock": false,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "d76cf865af2f8e03b6c1205403351cbe42e6cdc4",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-02-11 05:28:40.883909",
                    "end_time": "2024-02-11 05:28:40.884310",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.000401",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "message": "",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {},
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": []
    "parameters": {},
    "run_config": {
        "executor": {
            "service_name": "mocked",
            "service_type": "executor",
            "enable_parallel": false,
            "overrides": {},
            "patches": {}
        "run_log_store": {
            "service_name": "file-system",
            "service_type": "run_log_store",
            "log_folder": ".run_log_store"
        "secrets_handler": {
            "service_name": "do-nothing",
            "service_type": "secrets"
        "catalog_handler": {
            "service_name": "file-system",
            "service_type": "catalog",
            "catalog_location": ".catalog"
        "experiment_tracker": {
            "service_name": "do-nothing",
            "service_type": "experiment_tracker"
        "pipeline_file": "",
        "parameters_file": "",
        "configuration_file": "examples/configs/mocked-config-simple.yaml",
        "tag": "",
        "run_id": "minty-goodall-0528",
        "variables": {},
        "use_cached": false,
        "original_run_id": "",
        "dag": {
            "start_at": "simple",
            "name": "",
            "description": "",
            "steps": {
                "simple": {
                    "type": "task",
                    "name": "simple",
                    "next": "success",
                    "on_failure": "",
                    "overrides": {},
                    "catalog": null,
                    "max_attempts": 1,
                    "command": "examples.concepts.simple.simple_function",
                    "command_type": "python",
                    "node_name": "simple"
                "success": {
                    "type": "success",
                    "name": "success"
                "fail": {
                    "type": "fail",
                    "name": "fail"
        "dag_hash": "",
        "execution_plan": "chained"

Patching nodes for unit testing

Pipelines are themselves code and should be testable. In the below example, we take an example pipeline to test the behavior of the traversal.

The below pipeline is designed to follow: step 1 >> step 2 >> step 3 in case of no failures and step 1 >> step3 in case of failure. The traversal is shown in concepts.

Asserting Run log

The run log is a simple json file that can be parsed and validated against designed behaviors. You can also create the RunLog object by deserializing runnable.datastore.RunLog from the json.

This can be handy when validating complex pipelines.

The run log has only step 1 and step 3 as part of the steps (as designed) showing the behavior of the pipeline in case of failure. The status of step 1 is captured as FAIL due to exit 1 command in the pipeline definition.

    "run_id": "selfish-pasteur-0559",
    "dag_hash": "",
    "use_cached": false,
    "tag": "",
    "original_run_id": "",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "steps": {
        "step 1": {
            "name": "step 1",
            "internal_name": "step 1",
            "status": "FAIL",
            "step_type": "task",
            "message": "",
            "mock": false,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "d76cf865af2f8e03b6c1205403351cbe42e6cdc4",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-02-11 05:59:08.382587",
                    "end_time": "2024-02-11 05:59:08.446642",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.064055",
                    "status": "FAIL",
                    "message": "Command failed",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {},
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": [
                    "name": "step_1.execution.log",
                    "data_hash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
                    "catalog_relative_path": "selfish-pasteur-0559/step_1.execution.log",
                    "catalog_handler_location": ".catalog",
                    "stage": "put"
        "step 3": {
            "name": "step 3",
            "internal_name": "step 3",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "step_type": "stub",
            "message": "",
            "mock": false,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "d76cf865af2f8e03b6c1205403351cbe42e6cdc4",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-02-11 05:59:08.516318",
                    "end_time": "2024-02-11 05:59:08.516333",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.000015",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "message": "",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {},
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": []
        "success": {
            "name": "success",
            "internal_name": "success",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "step_type": "success",
            "message": "",
            "mock": false,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "d76cf865af2f8e03b6c1205403351cbe42e6cdc4",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-02-11 05:59:08.580478",
                    "end_time": "2024-02-11 05:59:08.580555",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.000077",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "message": "",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {},
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": []
    "parameters": {},
    "run_config": {
        "executor": {
            "service_name": "local",
            "service_type": "executor",
            "enable_parallel": false,
            "overrides": {}
        "run_log_store": {
            "service_name": "buffered",
            "service_type": "run_log_store"
        "secrets_handler": {
            "service_name": "do-nothing",
            "service_type": "secrets"
        "catalog_handler": {
            "service_name": "file-system",
            "service_type": "catalog",
            "catalog_location": ".catalog"
        "experiment_tracker": {
            "service_name": "do-nothing",
            "service_type": "experiment_tracker"
        "pipeline_file": "",
        "parameters_file": "",
        "configuration_file": "",
        "tag": "",
        "run_id": "selfish-pasteur-0559",
        "variables": {},
        "use_cached": false,
        "original_run_id": "",
        "dag": {
            "start_at": "step 1",
            "name": "",
            "description": "",
            "steps": {
                "step 1": {
                    "type": "task",
                    "name": "step 1",
                    "next": "step 2",
                    "on_failure": "step 3",
                    "overrides": {},
                    "catalog": null,
                    "max_attempts": 1,
                    "command": "exit 1",
                    "command_type": "shell",
                    "node_name": "step 1"
                "step 2": {
                    "type": "stub",
                    "name": "step 2",
                    "next": "step 3",
                    "on_failure": "",
                    "overrides": {},
                    "catalog": null,
                    "max_attempts": 1
                "step 3": {
                    "type": "stub",
                    "name": "step 3",
                    "next": "success",
                    "on_failure": "",
                    "overrides": {},
                    "catalog": null,
                    "max_attempts": 1
                "success": {
                    "type": "success",
                    "name": "success"
                "fail": {
                    "type": "fail",
                    "name": "fail"
        "dag_hash": "",
        "execution_plan": "chained"

We can patch the command of step 1 to be successful to test the behavior of traversal in case of no failures.

Running the pipeline with mocked configuration:

for yaml: runnable execute -f examples/on-failure.yaml -c examples/configs/mocked-config-unittest.yaml

for python: runnable_CONFIGURATION_FILE=examples/configs/mocked-config-unittest.yaml python examples/

As seen in the run log, the steps have step 1, step 2, step 3 as executed and successful steps. And the status of step 1 is SUCCESS.

    "run_id": "syrupy-aryabhata-0552",
    "dag_hash": "026b36dd2b3507fe586f1f85ba308f817745c465",
    "use_cached": false,
    "tag": "",
    "original_run_id": "",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "steps": {
        "step 1": {
            "name": "step 1",
            "internal_name": "step 1",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "step_type": "task",
            "message": "",
            "mock": false,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "d76cf865af2f8e03b6c1205403351cbe42e6cdc4",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-02-11 05:52:19.421358",
                    "end_time": "2024-02-11 05:52:19.426678",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.005320",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "message": "",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {},
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": [
                    "name": "step_1.execution.log",
                    "data_hash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
                    "catalog_relative_path": "syrupy-aryabhata-0552/step_1.execution.log",
                    "catalog_handler_location": ".catalog",
                    "stage": "put"
        "step 2": {
            "name": "step 2",
            "internal_name": "step 2",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "step_type": "stub",
            "message": "",
            "mock": true,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "d76cf865af2f8e03b6c1205403351cbe42e6cdc4",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-02-11 05:52:19.500544",
                    "end_time": "2024-02-11 05:52:19.500559",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.000015",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "message": "",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {},
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": []
        "step 3": {
            "name": "step 3",
            "internal_name": "step 3",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "step_type": "stub",
            "message": "",
            "mock": true,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "d76cf865af2f8e03b6c1205403351cbe42e6cdc4",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-02-11 05:52:19.577734",
                    "end_time": "2024-02-11 05:52:19.577749",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.000015",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "message": "",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {},
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": []
        "success": {
            "name": "success",
            "internal_name": "success",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "step_type": "success",
            "message": "",
            "mock": false,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "d76cf865af2f8e03b6c1205403351cbe42e6cdc4",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-02-11 05:52:19.649764",
                    "end_time": "2024-02-11 05:52:19.650318",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.000554",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "message": "",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {},
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": []
    "parameters": {},
    "run_config": {
        "executor": {
            "service_name": "mocked",
            "service_type": "executor",
            "enable_parallel": false,
            "overrides": {},
            "patches": {
                "step 1": {
                    "command": "exit 0"
        "run_log_store": {
            "service_name": "file-system",
            "service_type": "run_log_store",
            "log_folder": ".run_log_store"
        "secrets_handler": {
            "service_name": "do-nothing",
            "service_type": "secrets"
        "catalog_handler": {
            "service_name": "file-system",
            "service_type": "catalog",
            "catalog_location": ".catalog"
        "experiment_tracker": {
            "service_name": "do-nothing",
            "service_type": "experiment_tracker"
        "pipeline_file": "examples/on-failure.yaml",
        "parameters_file": null,
        "configuration_file": "examples/configs/mocked-config-unittest.yaml",
        "tag": "",
        "run_id": "syrupy-aryabhata-0552",
        "variables": {},
        "use_cached": false,
        "original_run_id": "",
        "dag": {
            "start_at": "step 1",
            "name": "",
            "description": "This is a simple pipeline to demonstrate failure in a step.\n\nThe default behavior is to traverse to step type fail and mark the run as
failed.\nBut you can control it by providing on_failure.\n\nIn this example: step 1 fails and moves to step 3 skipping step 2. The pipeline status\nis considered to be
success.\n\nstep 1 (FAIL) >> step 3 >> success\n\nYou can run this pipeline by runnable execute -f examples/on-failure.yaml\n",
            "steps": {
                "step 1": {
                    "type": "task",
                    "name": "step 1",
                    "next": "step 2",
                    "on_failure": "step 3",
                    "overrides": {},
                    "catalog": null,
                    "max_attempts": 1,
                    "command_type": "shell",
                    "command": "exit 1",
                    "node_name": "step 1"
                "step 2": {
                    "type": "stub",
                    "name": "step 2",
                    "next": "step 3",
                    "on_failure": "",
                    "overrides": {},
                    "catalog": null,
                    "max_attempts": 1
                "step 3": {
                    "type": "stub",
                    "name": "step 3",
                    "next": "success",
                    "on_failure": "",
                    "overrides": {},
                    "catalog": null,
                    "max_attempts": 1
                "success": {
                    "type": "success",
                    "name": "success"
                "fail": {
                    "type": "fail",
                    "name": "fail"
        "dag_hash": "026b36dd2b3507fe586f1f85ba308f817745c465",
        "execution_plan": "chained"

Debugging failed executions

Using debuggers

For pipelines defined by the python SDK, you can create breakpoints at the python function being executed and use debuggers.

For notebook based tasks, refer to ploomber engine documentation for rich debuggers.

Shell commands can be run in isolation by providing the parameters as environment variables and catalog artifacts present in the compute_data_folder location.

To debug a failed execution, we can use the mocked executor to mock all the steps except for the failed step and providing the parameters and data exposed to the step during the failure which are captured by the run log and catalog.

    "run_id": "wrong-file-name",
    "dag_hash": "7b12d64874eff2072c9dd97912a17149f2c32ed2",
    "use_cached": false,
    "tag": "",
    "original_run_id": "",
    "status": "FAIL",
    "steps": {
        "Setup": {
            "name": "Setup",
            "internal_name": "Setup",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "step_type": "task",
            "message": "",
            "mock": false,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "d76cf865af2f8e03b6c1205403351cbe42e6cdc4",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-02-11 23:03:00.417889",
                    "end_time": "2024-02-11 23:03:00.429579",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.011690",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "message": "",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {},
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": [
                    "name": "Setup.execution.log",
                    "data_hash": "d2dd9105fa3c62c35d89182c44fbd1ec992d8d408e38f0350d582fa29ed88074",
                    "catalog_relative_path": "wrong-file-name/Setup.execution.log",
                    "catalog_handler_location": ".catalog",
                    "stage": "put"
        "Create Content": {
            "name": "Create Content",
            "internal_name": "Create Content",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "step_type": "task",
            "message": "",
            "mock": false,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "d76cf865af2f8e03b6c1205403351cbe42e6cdc4",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-02-11 23:03:00.507067",
                    "end_time": "2024-02-11 23:03:00.514757",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.007690",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "message": "",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {},
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": [
                    "name": "Create_Content.execution.log",
                    "data_hash": "d2dd9105fa3c62c35d89182c44fbd1ec992d8d408e38f0350d582fa29ed88074",
                    "catalog_relative_path": "wrong-file-name/Create_Content.execution.log",
                    "catalog_handler_location": ".catalog",
                    "stage": "put"
                    "name": "data/hello.txt",
                    "data_hash": "2ac8edfe4eb5d0d9392cb070664c31c45eecca78c43cb99d2d9c6f5a8c813932",
                    "catalog_relative_path": "wrong-file-name/data/hello.txt",
                    "catalog_handler_location": ".catalog",
                    "stage": "put"
        "Retrieve Content": {
            "name": "Retrieve Content",
            "internal_name": "Retrieve Content",
            "status": "FAIL",
            "step_type": "task",
            "message": "",
            "mock": false,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "d76cf865af2f8e03b6c1205403351cbe42e6cdc4",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-02-11 23:03:00.595992",
                    "end_time": "2024-02-11 23:03:00.645752",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.049760",
                    "status": "FAIL",
                    "message": "Command failed",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {},
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": [
                    "name": "data/hello.txt",
                    "data_hash": "2ac8edfe4eb5d0d9392cb070664c31c45eecca78c43cb99d2d9c6f5a8c813932",
                    "catalog_relative_path": "data/hello.txt",
                    "catalog_handler_location": ".catalog",
                    "stage": "get"
                    "name": "Retrieve_Content.execution.log",
                    "data_hash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
                    "catalog_relative_path": "wrong-file-name/Retrieve_Content.execution.log",
                    "catalog_handler_location": ".catalog",
                    "stage": "put"
        "fail": {
            "name": "fail",
            "internal_name": "fail",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "step_type": "fail",
            "message": "",
            "mock": false,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "d76cf865af2f8e03b6c1205403351cbe42e6cdc4",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-02-11 23:03:00.727316",
                    "end_time": "2024-02-11 23:03:00.727911",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.000595",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "message": "",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {},
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": []
    "parameters": {},
    "run_config": {
        "executor": {
            "service_name": "local",
            "service_type": "executor",
            "enable_parallel": false,
            "overrides": {}
        "run_log_store": {
            "service_name": "file-system",
            "service_type": "run_log_store",
            "log_folder": ".run_log_store"
        "secrets_handler": {
            "service_name": "do-nothing",
            "service_type": "secrets"
        "catalog_handler": {
            "service_name": "file-system",
            "service_type": "catalog",
            "catalog_location": ".catalog"
        "experiment_tracker": {
            "service_name": "do-nothing",
            "service_type": "experiment_tracker"
        "pipeline_file": "examples/retry-fail.yaml",
        "parameters_file": null,
        "configuration_file": "examples/configs/fs-catalog-run_log.yaml",
        "tag": "",
        "run_id": "wrong-file-name",
        "variables": {},
        "use_cached": false,
        "original_run_id": "",
        "dag": {
            "start_at": "Setup",
            "name": "",
            "description": "This is a simple pipeline that demonstrates retrying failures.\n\n1. Setup: We setup a data folder, we ignore if it is already present\n2. Create Content: We create a \"hello.txt\" and \"put\" the file in catalog\n3. Retrieve Content: We \"get\" the file \"hello.txt\" from the catalog and show the contents\n5. Cleanup: We remove the data folder. Note that this is stubbed to prevent accidental deletion.\n\n\nYou can run this pipeline by:\n   runnable execute -f examples/retry-fail.yaml -c examples/configs/fs-catalog-run_log.yaml \\\n    --run-id wrong-file-name\n",
            "steps": {
                "Setup": {
                    "type": "task",
                    "name": "Setup",
                    "next": "Create Content",
                    "on_failure": "",
                    "overrides": {},
                    "catalog": null,
                    "max_attempts": 1,
                    "command_type": "shell",
                    "command": "mkdir -p data",
                    "node_name": "Setup"
                "Create Content": {
                    "type": "task",
                    "name": "Create Content",
                    "next": "Retrieve Content",
                    "on_failure": "",
                    "overrides": {},
                    "catalog": {
                        "get": [],
                        "put": [
                    "max_attempts": 1,
                    "command_type": "shell",
                    "command": "echo \"Hello from runnable\" >> data/hello.txt\n",
                    "node_name": "Create Content"
                "Retrieve Content": {
                    "type": "task",
                    "name": "Retrieve Content",
                    "next": "success",
                    "on_failure": "",
                    "overrides": {},
                    "catalog": {
                        "get": [
                        "put": []
                    "max_attempts": 1,
                    "command_type": "shell",
                    "command": "cat data/hello1.txt",
                    "node_name": "Retrieve Content"
                "success": {
                    "type": "success",
                    "name": "success"
                "fail": {
                    "type": "fail",
                    "name": "fail"
        "dag_hash": "7b12d64874eff2072c9dd97912a17149f2c32ed2",
        "execution_plan": "chained"

Copy the catalog during the failed execution to the debugging execution and retry the step. We give it a run_id debug-pipeline

cp .catalog/wrong-file-name debug-pipeline

and retry with the fix:

runnable execute -f examples/retry-fail.yaml -c examples/configs/mocked-config-debug.yaml --run-id debug-pipeline