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Execute all the steps of the pipeline in containers. Please refer to the note on containers on building images.

  • Provides a way to test the containers and the execution of the pipeline in local environment.
  • Any failure in cloud native container environments can be replicated in local environments.
  • Ability to provide specialized compute environments for different steps of the pipeline.
  • The scalability is still constrained by the resources in local environment.

parallel executions

Run logs that use a single json (eg. file-system) are not compatible with parallel executions due to race conditions to write the same file by different processes.

Use chunked run log stores (eg. chunked-fs).


executor: local-container
  docker_image: <required>
  enable_parallel: false # (1)
  auto_remove_container: true # (2)
  run_in_local: false # (3)
  environment: # (4)
  overrides: # (5)
  1. By default, all tasks are sequentially executed. Provide true to enable tasks within parallel or map to be executed in parallel.
  2. Set it to false, to debug a failed container.
  3. Setting it to true will behave exactly like a local executor.
  4. Pass any environment variables into the container.
  5. Please refer to step overrides for more details.

The docker_image field is required and default image to execute tasks of the pipeline. Individual tasks can override the global defaults of executor by providing overrides


auto_remove_container allows you to run the failed container independently to identify the issue that caused the failure.

run_in_local allows you to execute a few tasks in local environment to allow debugging and also selectively choose which step to run in container.


Nearly all the examples seen in concepts can be executed using the local-container configuration. Below is one simple example to concretely show the patterns.

Assumed to be present at examples/configs/local-container.yaml

The docker image is a variable and dynamically set during execution.

  type: "local-container" # (1)
    docker_image: runnable-m1:latest # (2)

run-log-store: # (4)
  type: chunked-fs
  1. Use local-container executor type to execute the pipeline.
  2. By default, all the tasks are executed in the docker image . Please refer to building docker images
  3. Pass any environment variables that are needed for the container.
  4. Store the run logs in the file-system. runnable will handle the access to them by mounting the file system into the container.

Running the SDK defined pipelines for any container based executions happens in multi-stage process.

  1. Generate the yaml definition file by: runnable_CONFIGURATION_FILE=examples/configs/local-container.yaml python examples/concepts/
  2. Build the docker image with yaml definition in it, called runnable:demo in current example.
  3. Execute the pipeline via the runnable CLI, runnable_VAR_default_docker_image=runnable:demo runnable execute -f runnable-pipeline.yaml -c examples/configs/local-container.yaml

  1. You can provide a configuration file dynamically by using the environment variable runnable_CONFIGURATION_FILE. Please see SDK for more details.

For yaml based definitions, the execution order is to:

  1. Build the docker image with the yaml definition in it, called runnable:demo in current example.
  2. Execute the pipeline via the runnable CLI: runnable_VAR_default_docker_image=runnable:demo runnable execute -f examples/concepts/simple.yaml -c examples/configs/local-container.yaml

The run log structure is the same as any other local executions apart from an additional code identity with the information about the docker image.

  "run_id": "shortest-stallman-2113",
  "dag_hash": "d467805d7f743d459a6abce95bedbfc6c1ecab67",
  "use_cached": false,
  "tag": "",
  "original_run_id": "",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "steps": {
      "simple": {
          "name": "simple",
          "internal_name": "simple",
          "status": "SUCCESS",
          "step_type": "task",
          "message": "",
          "mock": false,
          "code_identities": [
                  "code_identifier": "ef142998dc315ddbd9aa10e016128c872de6e6e1",
                  "code_identifier_type": "git",
                  "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                  "code_identifier_url": "",
                  "code_identifier_message": ""
                  "code_identifier": "sha256:e5cc0936aad4d3cacb3075290729ce834dd2d9c89ea24eea609d7664f99ce50f",
                  "code_identifier_type": "docker",
                  "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                  "code_identifier_url": "local docker host",
                  "code_identifier_message": ""
          "attempts": [
                  "attempt_number": 1,
                  "start_time": "2024-01-22 21:13:53.676698",
                  "end_time": "2024-01-22 21:13:53.678976",
                  "duration": "0:00:00.002278",
                  "status": "SUCCESS",
                  "message": "",
                  "parameters": {}
          "user_defined_metrics": {},
          "branches": {},
          "data_catalog": [
                  "name": "simple.execution.log",
                  "data_hash": "03ba204e50d126e4674c005e04d82e84c21366780af1f43bd54a37816b6ab340",
                  "catalog_relative_path": "shortest-stallman-2113/simple.execution.log",
                  "catalog_handler_location": "/tmp/catalog/",
                  "stage": "put"
      "success": {
          "name": "success",
          "internal_name": "success",
          "status": "SUCCESS",
          "step_type": "success",
          "message": "",
          "mock": false,
          "code_identities": [
                  "code_identifier": "ef142998dc315ddbd9aa10e016128c872de6e6e1",
                  "code_identifier_type": "git",
                  "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                  "code_identifier_url": "",
                  "code_identifier_message": ""
          "attempts": [
                  "attempt_number": 1,
                  "start_time": "2024-01-22 21:13:53.807381",
                  "end_time": "2024-01-22 21:13:53.807834",
                  "duration": "0:00:00.000453",
                  "status": "SUCCESS",
                  "message": "",
                  "parameters": {}
          "user_defined_metrics": {},
          "branches": {},
          "data_catalog": []
  "parameters": {},
  "run_config": {
      "executor": {
          "service_name": "local-container",
          "service_type": "executor",
          "enable_parallel": false,
          "placeholders": {}
      "run_log_store": {
          "service_name": "file-system",
          "service_type": "run_log_store"
      "secrets_handler": {
          "service_name": "do-nothing",
          "service_type": "secrets"
      "catalog_handler": {
          "service_name": "file-system",
          "service_type": "catalog"
      "experiment_tracker": {
          "service_name": "do-nothing",
          "service_type": "experiment_tracker"
      "pipeline_file": "examples/concepts/simple.yaml",
      "parameters_file": null,
      "configuration_file": "examples/configs/local-container.yaml",
      "tag": "",
      "run_id": "shortest-stallman-2113",
      "variables": {
          "default_docker_image": "runnable:demo"
      "use_cached": false,
      "original_run_id": "",
      "dag": {
          "start_at": "simple",
          "name": "",
          "description": null,
          "steps": {
              "simple": {
                  "type": "task",
                  "name": "simple",
                  "next": "success",
                  "on_failure": "",
                  "executor_config": {},
                  "catalog": null,
                  "max_attempts": 1,
                  "command": "examples.concepts.simple.simple_function",
                  "command_type": "python",
                  "node_name": "simple"
              "success": {
                  "type": "success",
                  "name": "success"
              "fail": {
                  "type": "fail",
                  "name": "fail"
      "dag_hash": "d467805d7f743d459a6abce95bedbfc6c1ecab67",
      "execution_plan": "chained"


Step override

Individual steps of the pipeline can over-ride the default configuration by referring to the specific override defined in overrides section of the executor configuration.

override should be defined per executor and is only applicable for that specific executor.


Assumed to be present at examples/executors/local-container-override.yaml

In the example below, we define the default configuration in the executor configuration. We also provide a override custom_docker_image which overrides some of the default configuration parameters.

  type: "local-container"
    docker_image: $default_docker_image
      key: value
        docker_image: $custom_docker_image
          key: not-value

  type: file-system

  type: file-system

  type: do-nothing

  type: do-nothing

As seen in the above example, running the SDK defined pipelines for any container based executions happens in multi-stage process.

  1. Generate the yaml definition file by: runnable_CONFIGURATION_FILE=examples/executors/local-container-override.yaml python examples/executors/
  2. Build the docker image with yaml definition in it. In this example, we build two docker images.

    • runnable:3.8 as the default_docker_image.
    • runnable:3.9 as the custom_docker_image.

Both the docker images are same except for the python version.

  1. Execute the pipeline via the runnable CLI, runnable_VAR_default_docker_image=runnable:3.8 runnable_VAR_custom_docker_image=runnable:3.9 runnable execute -f runnable-pipeline.yaml -c examples/executors/local-container-override.yaml

You should see the console output of the step 1 to be 3.8 and key to be "value" while the python version for step 2 to be 3.9 and key to be "not-value".

An example to demonstrate overriding global configuration for a step.

    step 1 runs in the docker image specified in the executor config and uses the environment
    value for key to be "value"

    step 2 overrides the config and executes the command in the configuration defined
    in overrides section of executor config.

    You can run this example using two steps:
        Generates yaml file:

        runnable_CONFIGURATION_FILE=examples/executors/local-container-override.yaml \
        python examples/executors/

        # Create the docker image with the pipeline runnable-pipeline.yaml as part of it.

        Execute the pipeline using the CLI:

        runnable_VAR_default_docker_image=runnable:3.8 \
        runnable_VAR_custom_docker_image=runnable:3.9 \
        runnable execute -f runnable-pipeline.yaml -c examples/executors/local-container-override.yaml


from runnable import Pipeline, Task

def main():
    step1 = Task(
        command="python --version && env | grep key",

    step2 = Task(
        command="python --version && env | grep key",
        overrides={"local-container": "custom_docker_image"},

    pipeline = Pipeline(
        steps=[step1, step2],


if __name__ == "__main__":

For yaml based definitions, the execution order is to:

  1. Build the docker image with the yaml definition in it. In this example, we build two docker images.

    • runnable:3.8 as the default_docker_image.
    • runnable:3.9 as the custom_docker_image.

    Both the docker images are same except for the python version.

  2. Execute the pipeline via the runnable CLI: runnable_VAR_default_docker_image=runnable:3.8 runnable_VAR_custom_docker_image=runnable:3.9 runnable execute -f examples/executors/step_overrides_container.yaml -c examples/executors/local-container-override.yaml

You should see the console output of the step 1 to be 3.8 and key to be "value" while the python version for step 2 to be 3.9 and key to be "not-value".

  description: |
    An example to demonstrate overriding global configuration for a step.

    step 1 runs in the docker image specified in the executor config and uses the environment
    value for key to be "value"

    step 2 overrides the config and executes the command in the configuration defined
    in overrides section of executor config.

    You can execute the pipeline by:
    runnable execute -f examples/executors/step_overrides_container.yaml \
     -c examples/executors/local-container-override.yaml
  start_at: step 1
    step 1:
      type: task
      command_type: shell # (2)
      command: |
        python --version &&
        env | grep key
      next: step 2
    step 2:
      type: task
      command_type: shell
      command: |
        python --version &&
        env | grep key
        local-container: custom_docker_image
      next: success
      type: success
      type: fail