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runnable makes reproducibility easy without any intervention from the developer.

Execution of the pipeline, in any environment, generates a run log which stores meta information of the execution.

Executions also stores the stdout and stderr of the task at the log level used during the run.

Code identity

For non-container based executions, the git sha is captured along with other necessary attributes.


"steps": {
    "step_name": {
    "code_identities": [
            "code_identifier": "259904152753ccb326ab71804ac6b2f343ee6182",
            "code_identifier_type": "git",
            "code_identifier_dependable": false, // (1)
            "code_identifier_url": "",
            "code_identifier_message": "changes found in docs/concepts/" // (2)
  1. Implies that the branch is not clean.
  2. Emits all the files that are different from the HEAD.

For container based executions, the container digest and name is captured.


The input and output parameters at the point of execution of all the tasks is captured.


"steps": {
                "input_parameters": {
                    "X": {
                        "kind": "object",
                        "value": "X",
                        "reduced": true,
                        "description": "Pickled object stored in catalog as: X"
                    "Y": {
                        "kind": "object",
                        "value": "Y",
                        "reduced": true,
                        "description": "Pickled object stored in catalog as: Y"
                "output_parameters": {
                    "logreg": {
                        "kind": "object",
                        "value": "logreg",
                        "reduced": true,
                        "description": "Pickled object stored in catalog as: logreg"


Any parameters marked as metrics are stored too.


"steps": {
                "user_defined_metrics": {
                    "score": {
                        "kind": "metric",
                        "value": 0.6,
                        "reduced": true,
                        "description": 0.6


Any files moved between tasks are stored in the catalog along with meta information stored in the run log.


"steps": {
        "data_catalog": [
                "name": "iris_logistic.png",
                "data_hash": "1a119ee3496f72d7cdd379b658aa79dc0eee38923d270ef7adf61dcb8f033f06",
                "catalog_relative_path": "best-hamilton-0300/iris_logistic.png",
                "catalog_handler_location": ".catalog",
                "stage": "put"

Retrying failures

The structure of the run log remains the same independent of the executor used to execute. This enables to debug failures during the execution in complex environments to be easily reproduced in local environments and fixed.

Make the catalog and run log generated during the failed execution accessible to the retry executor and the execution starts from the failed step.

Refer to retry for more information.