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Run log stores a lot of information about the execution along with the metrics captured during the execution of the pipeline.


The highlighted lines in the below example show how to use the API

Any pydantic model as a value would be dumped as a dict, respecting the alias, before tracking it.

You can run this example by python run examples/concepts/

The highlighted lines in the below example show how to use environment variables to track metrics.

Only string values are allowed to be environment variables. Numeric values sent in as strings are converted to int/float before storing them as metrics.

There is no support for boolean values in environment variables.

Any experiment tracking metrics found during the execution of the task are stored in user_defined_metrics field of the step log.

For example, below is the content for the shell execution.

    "run_id": "blazing-colden-0544",
    "dag_hash": "4494aeb907ef950934fbcc34b226f72134d06687",
    "use_cached": false,
    "tag": "",
    "original_run_id": "",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "steps": {
        "shell": {
            "name": "shell",
            "internal_name": "shell",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "step_type": "task",
            "message": "",
            "mock": false,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "793b052b8b603760ff1eb843597361219832b61c",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-01-09 05:44:42.841295",
                    "end_time": "2024-01-09 05:44:42.849938",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.008643",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "message": "",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {
                "eggs": {
                    "ham": "world"
                "answer": 42.0,
                "spam": "hello"
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": [
                    "name": "shell.execution.log",
                    "data_hash": "07723e6188e7893ac79e8f07b7cc15dd1a62d2974335f173a0b5a6e58a3735d6",
                    "catalog_relative_path": "blazing-colden-0544/shell.execution.log",
                    "catalog_handler_location": ".catalog",
                    "stage": "put"
        "success": {
            "name": "success",
            "internal_name": "success",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "step_type": "success",
            "message": "",
            "mock": false,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "793b052b8b603760ff1eb843597361219832b61c",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-01-09 05:44:42.913905",
                    "end_time": "2024-01-09 05:44:42.913963",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.000058",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "message": "",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {},
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": []
    "parameters": {},
    "run_config": {
        "executor": {
            "service_name": "local",
            "service_type": "executor",
            "enable_parallel": false,
            "placeholders": {}
        "run_log_store": {
            "service_name": "buffered",
            "service_type": "run_log_store"
        "secrets_handler": {
            "service_name": "do-nothing",
            "service_type": "secrets"
        "catalog_handler": {
            "service_name": "file-system",
            "service_type": "catalog"
        "experiment_tracker": {
            "service_name": "do-nothing",
            "service_type": "experiment_tracker"
        "pipeline_file": "examples/concepts/experiment_tracking_env.yaml",
        "parameters_file": null,
        "configuration_file": null,
        "tag": "",
        "run_id": "blazing-colden-0544",
        "variables": {},
        "use_cached": false,
        "original_run_id": "",
        "dag": {
            "start_at": "shell",
            "name": "",
            "description": "An example pipeline to demonstrate setting experiment tracking metrics\nusing environment variables. Any environment variable with
            prefix\n'runnable_TRACK_' will be recorded as a metric captured during the step.\n\nYou can run this pipeline as:\n  runnable execute -f
            "internal_branch_name": "",
            "steps": {
                "shell": {
                    "type": "task",
                    "name": "shell",
                    "internal_name": "shell",
                    "internal_branch_name": "",
                    "is_composite": false
                "success": {
                    "type": "success",
                    "name": "success",
                    "internal_name": "success",
                    "internal_branch_name": "",
                    "is_composite": false
                "fail": {
                    "type": "fail",
                    "name": "fail",
                    "internal_name": "fail",
                    "internal_branch_name": "",
                    "is_composite": false
        "dag_hash": "4494aeb907ef950934fbcc34b226f72134d06687",
        "execution_plan": "chained"

Incremental tracking

It is possible to track metrics over time within a task. To do so, use the step parameter in the API or post-fixing _STEP_ and the increment when using environment variables.

The step is defaulted to be 0.


The highlighted lines in the below example show how to use the API with the step parameter.

You can run this example by python run examples/concepts/

The highlighted lines in the below example show how to use environment variables to track metrics.

    "run_id": "blocking-stonebraker-1545",
    "dag_hash": "",
    "use_cached": false,
    "tag": "",
    "original_run_id": "",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "steps": {
        "Emit Metrics": {
            "name": "Emit Metrics",
            "internal_name": "Emit Metrics",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "step_type": "task",
            "message": "",
            "mock": false,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "858c4df44f15d81139341641c63ead45042e0d89",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-01-09 15:45:34.940999",
                    "end_time": "2024-01-09 15:45:34.943648",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.002649",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "message": "",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {
                "spam": {
                    "0": "hello",
                    "1": "hey"
                "eggs": {
                    "0": {
                        "ham": "world"
                    "1": {
                        "ham": "universe"
                "answer": 42.0,
                "is_it_true": false
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": [
                    "name": "Emit_Metrics.execution.log",
                    "data_hash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
                    "catalog_relative_path": "blocking-stonebraker-1545/Emit_Metrics.execution.log",
                    "catalog_handler_location": ".catalog",
                    "stage": "put"
        "success": {
            "name": "success",
            "internal_name": "success",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "step_type": "success",
            "message": "",
            "mock": false,
            "code_identities": [
                    "code_identifier": "858c4df44f15d81139341641c63ead45042e0d89",
                    "code_identifier_type": "git",
                    "code_identifier_dependable": true,
                    "code_identifier_url": "",
                    "code_identifier_message": ""
            "attempts": [
                    "attempt_number": 1,
                    "start_time": "2024-01-09 15:45:35.126659",
                    "end_time": "2024-01-09 15:45:35.126745",
                    "duration": "0:00:00.000086",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "message": "",
                    "parameters": {}
            "user_defined_metrics": {},
            "branches": {},
            "data_catalog": []
    "parameters": {},
    "run_config": {
        "executor": {
            "service_name": "local",
            "service_type": "executor",
            "enable_parallel": false,
            "placeholders": {}
        "run_log_store": {
            "service_name": "buffered",
            "service_type": "run_log_store"
        "secrets_handler": {
            "service_name": "do-nothing",
            "service_type": "secrets"
        "catalog_handler": {
            "service_name": "file-system",
            "service_type": "catalog"
        "experiment_tracker": {
            "service_name": "do-nothing",
            "service_type": "experiment_tracker"
        "pipeline_file": "",
        "parameters_file": "",
        "configuration_file": "",
        "tag": "",
        "run_id": "blocking-stonebraker-1545",
        "variables": {},
        "use_cached": false,
        "original_run_id": "",
        "dag": {
            "start_at": "Emit Metrics",
            "name": "",
            "description": "",
            "internal_branch_name": "",
            "steps": {
                "Emit Metrics": {
                    "type": "task",
                    "name": "Emit Metrics",
                    "internal_name": "Emit Metrics",
                    "internal_branch_name": "",
                    "is_composite": false
                "success": {
                    "type": "success",
                    "name": "success",
                    "internal_name": "success",
                    "internal_branch_name": "",
                    "is_composite": false
                "fail": {
                    "type": "fail",
                    "name": "fail",
                    "internal_name": "fail",
                    "internal_branch_name": "",
                    "is_composite": false
        "dag_hash": "",
        "execution_plan": "chained"

Experiment tracking tools

Opt out

Pipelines need not use the experiment-tracking if the preferred tools of choice is not implemented in runnable. The default configuration of do-nothing is no-op by design. We kindly request to raise a feature request to make us aware of the eco-system.

The default experiment tracking tool of runnable is a no-op as the run log captures all the required details. To make it compatible with other experiment tracking tools like mlflow or Weights and Biases, we map attributes of runnable to the underlying tool.

For example, for mlflow:

  • Any numeric (int/float) observation is logged as a metric with a step.

  • Any non numeric observation is logged as a parameter. Since mlflow does not support step wise logging of parameters, the key name is formatted as key_step.

  • The tag associate with an execution is used as the experiment name.


Experiment tracking capabilities of runnable are inferior in integration with popular python frameworks like pytorch and tensorflow as compared to other experiment tracking tools.

We strongly advise to use them if you need advanced capabilities.

In the below configuration, the mlflow tracking server is a local instance listening on port 8080.

As with other examples, we are using the track_this python API to capture metrics. During the pipeline execution in line #39, we use the configuration of mlflow as experiment tracking tool.

The tag provided during the execution is used as a experiment name in mlflow.

You can run this example by python run examples/concepts/

mlflow UI for the execution. The run_id remains the same as the run_id of runnable

Image title
The step wise metric plotted as a graph in mlflow

To provide implementation specific capabilities, we also provide a python API to obtain the client context. The default client context is a null context manager.