


A basic spaCy pipeline with a sentence splitter and a customised tokenizer.





Wraps spaCy pipelines into a singleton, so multiple can be accessed from different locations without additional memory overhead.

class kazu.utils.spacy_pipeline.KazuCustomEnglish[source]

Bases: English


alias of KazuCustomEnglishDefaults

default_config = {'components': {}, 'corpora': {'dev': {'@readers': 'spacy.Corpus.v1', 'augmenter': None, 'gold_preproc': False, 'limit': 0, 'max_length': 0, 'path': '${paths.dev}'}, 'train': {'@readers': 'spacy.Corpus.v1', 'augmenter': None, 'gold_preproc': False, 'limit': 0, 'max_length': 0, 'path': '${paths.train}'}}, 'initialize': {'after_init': None, 'before_init': None, 'components': {}, 'init_tok2vec': '${paths.init_tok2vec}', 'lookups': None, 'tokenizer': {}, 'vectors': '${paths.vectors}', 'vocab_data': None}, 'nlp': {'after_creation': None, 'after_pipeline_creation': None, 'batch_size': 1000, 'before_creation': None, 'disabled': [], 'lang': 'kazu_custom_en', 'pipeline': [], 'tokenizer': {'@tokenizers': 'spacy.Tokenizer.v1'}, 'vectors': {'@vectors': 'spacy.Vectors.v1'}}, 'paths': {'dev': None, 'init_tok2vec': None, 'train': None, 'vectors': None}, 'system': {'gpu_allocator': None, 'seed': 0}, 'training': {'accumulate_gradient': 1, 'annotating_components': [], 'batcher': {'@batchers': 'spacy.batch_by_words.v1', 'discard_oversize': False, 'size': {'@schedules': 'compounding.v1', 'compound': 1.001, 'start': 100, 'stop': 1000}, 'tolerance': 0.2}, 'before_to_disk': None, 'before_update': None, 'dev_corpus': 'corpora.dev', 'dropout': 0.1, 'eval_frequency': 200, 'frozen_components': [], 'gpu_allocator': '${system.gpu_allocator}', 'logger': {'@loggers': 'spacy.ConsoleLogger.v1'}, 'max_epochs': 0, 'max_steps': 20000, 'optimizer': {'@optimizers': 'Adam.v1', 'L2': 0.01, 'L2_is_weight_decay': True, 'beta1': 0.9, 'beta2': 0.999, 'eps': 1e-08, 'grad_clip': 1.0, 'learn_rate': 0.001, 'use_averages': False}, 'patience': 1600, 'score_weights': {}, 'seed': '${system.seed}', 'train_corpus': 'corpora.train'}}
lang: str | None = 'kazu_custom_en'
class kazu.utils.spacy_pipeline.KazuCustomEnglishDefaults[source]

Bases: EnglishDefaults

infixes: Sequence[str | Pattern] | None = ['\\(', '/', '\\.\\.+', '…', '[\\u00A6\\u00A9\\u00AE\\u00B0\\u0482\\u058D\\u058E\\u060E\\u060F\\u06DE\\u06E9\\u06FD\\u06FE\\u07F6\\u09FA\\u0B70\\u0BF3-\\u0BF8\\u0BFA\\u0C7F\\u0D4F\\u0D79\\u0F01-\\u0F03\\u0F13\\u0F15-\\u0F17\\u0F1A-\\u0F1F\\u0F34\\u0F36\\u0F38\\u0FBE-\\u0FC5\\u0FC7-\\u0FCC\\u0FCE\\u0FCF\\u0FD5-\\u0FD8\\u109E\\u109F\\u1390-\\u1399\\u1940\\u19DE-\\u19FF\\u1B61-\\u1B6A\\u1B74-\\u1B7C\\u2100\\u2101\\u2103-\\u2106\\u2108\\u2109\\u2114\\u2116\\u2117\\u211E-\\u2123\\u2125\\u2127\\u2129\\u212E\\u213A\\u213B\\u214A\\u214C\\u214D\\u214F\\u218A\\u218B\\u2195-\\u2199\\u219C-\\u219F\\u21A1\\u21A2\\u21A4\\u21A5\\u21A7-\\u21AD\\u21AF-\\u21CD\\u21D0\\u21D1\\u21D3\\u21D5-\\u21F3\\u2300-\\u2307\\u230C-\\u231F\\u2322-\\u2328\\u232B-\\u237B\\u237D-\\u239A\\u23B4-\\u23DB\\u23E2-\\u2426\\u2440-\\u244A\\u249C-\\u24E9\\u2500-\\u25B6\\u25B8-\\u25C0\\u25C2-\\u25F7\\u2600-\\u266E\\u2670-\\u2767\\u2794-\\u27BF\\u2800-\\u28FF\\u2B00-\\u2B2F\\u2B45\\u2B46\\u2B4D-\\u2B73\\u2B76-\\u2B95\\u2B98-\\u2BC8\\u2BCA-\\u2BFE\\u2CE5-\\u2CEA\\u2E80-\\u2E99\\u2E9B-\\u2EF3\\u2F00-\\u2FD5\\u2FF0-\\u2FFB\\u3004\\u3012\\u3013\\u3020\\u3036\\u3037\\u303E\\u303F\\u3190\\u3191\\u3196-\\u319F\\u31C0-\\u31E3\\u3200-\\u321E\\u322A-\\u3247\\u3250\\u3260-\\u327F\\u328A-\\u32B0\\u32C0-\\u32FE\\u3300-\\u33FF\\u4DC0-\\u4DFF\\uA490-\\uA4C6\\uA828-\\uA82B\\uA836\\uA837\\uA839\\uAA77-\\uAA79\\uFDFD\\uFFE4\\uFFE8\\uFFED\\uFFEE\\uFFFC\\uFFFD\\U00010137-\\U0001013F\\U00010179-\\U00010189\\U0001018C-\\U0001018E\\U00010190-\\U0001019B\\U000101A0\\U000101D0-\\U000101FC\\U00010877\\U00010878\\U00010AC8\\U0001173F\\U00016B3C-\\U00016B3F\\U00016B45\\U0001BC9C\\U0001D000-\\U0001D0F5\\U0001D100-\\U0001D126\\U0001D129-\\U0001D164\\U0001D16A-\\U0001D16C\\U0001D183\\U0001D184\\U0001D18C-\\U0001D1A9\\U0001D1AE-\\U0001D1E8\\U0001D200-\\U0001D241\\U0001D245\\U0001D300-\\U0001D356\\U0001D800-\\U0001D9FF\\U0001DA37-\\U0001DA3A\\U0001DA6D-\\U0001DA74\\U0001DA76-\\U0001DA83\\U0001DA85\\U0001DA86\\U0001ECAC\\U0001F000-\\U0001F02B\\U0001F030-\\U0001F093\\U0001F0A0-\\U0001F0AE\\U0001F0B1-\\U0001F0BF\\U0001F0C1-\\U0001F0CF\\U0001F0D1-\\U0001F0F5\\U0001F110-\\U0001F16B\\U0001F170-\\U0001F1AC\\U0001F1E6-\\U0001F202\\U0001F210-\\U0001F23B\\U0001F240-\\U0001F248\\U0001F250\\U0001F251\\U0001F260-\\U0001F265\\U0001F300-\\U0001F3FA\\U0001F400-\\U0001F6D4\\U0001F6E0-\\U0001F6EC\\U0001F6F0-\\U0001F6F9\\U0001F700-\\U0001F773\\U0001F780-\\U0001F7D8\\U0001F800-\\U0001F80B\\U0001F810-\\U0001F847\\U0001F850-\\U0001F859\\U0001F860-\\U0001F887\\U0001F890-\\U0001F8AD\\U0001F900-\\U0001F90B\\U0001F910-\\U0001F93E\\U0001F940-\\U0001F970\\U0001F973-\\U0001F976\\U0001F97A\\U0001F97C-\\U0001F9A2\\U0001F9B0-\\U0001F9B9\\U0001F9C0-\\U0001F9C2\\U0001F9D0-\\U0001F9FF\\U0001FA60-\\U0001FA6D]', 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tokenizer_exceptions: Dict[str, List[dict]] = {'\t': [{65: '\t'}], '\n': [{65: '\n'}], ' ': [{65: ' '}], "'": [{65: "'"}], "''": [{65: "''"}], "'Cause": [{65: "'Cause", 67: 'because'}], "'Cos": [{65: "'Cos", 67: 'because'}], "'Coz": [{65: "'Coz", 67: 'because'}], "'Cuz": [{65: "'Cuz", 67: 'because'}], "'S": [{65: "'S", 67: "'s"}], "'bout": [{65: "'bout", 67: 'about'}], "'cause": [{65: "'cause", 67: 'because'}], "'cos": [{65: "'cos", 67: 'because'}], "'coz": [{65: "'coz", 67: 'because'}], "'cuz": [{65: "'cuz", 67: 'because'}], "'d": [{65: "'d"}], "'em": [{65: "'em", 67: 'them'}], "'ll": [{65: "'ll", 67: 'will'}], "'nuff": [{65: "'nuff", 67: 'enough'}], "'re": [{65: "'re", 67: 'are'}], "'s": [{65: "'s", 67: "'s"}], '(*_*)': [{65: '(*_*)'}], '(-8': [{65: '(-8'}], '(-:': [{65: '(-:'}], '(-;': [{65: '(-;'}], '(-_-)': [{65: '(-_-)'}], '(._.)': [{65: '(._.)'}], '(:': [{65: '(:'}], '(;': [{65: '(;'}], '(=': [{65: '(='}], '(>_<)': [{65: '(>_<)'}], '(^_^)': [{65: '(^_^)'}], '(o:': [{65: '(o:'}], '(¬_¬)': [{65: '(¬_¬)'}], '(ಠ_ಠ)': [{65: '(ಠ_ಠ)'}], '(╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻': [{65: '(╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻'}], ')-:': [{65: ')-:'}], '):': [{65: '):'}], '-_-': [{65: '-_-'}], '-__-': [{65: '-__-'}], '._.': [{65: '._.'}], '0.0': [{65: '0.0'}], '0.o': [{65: '0.o'}], '0_0': [{65: '0_0'}], '0_o': [{65: '0_o'}], '10a.m.': [{65: '10'}, {65: 'a.m.', 67: 'a.m.'}], '10am': [{65: '10'}, {65: 'am', 67: 'a.m.'}], '10p.m.': [{65: '10'}, {65: 'p.m.', 67: 'p.m.'}], '10pm': [{65: '10'}, {65: 'pm', 67: 'p.m.'}], '11a.m.': [{65: '11'}, {65: 'a.m.', 67: 'a.m.'}], '11am': [{65: '11'}, {65: 'am', 67: 'a.m.'}], '11p.m.': [{65: '11'}, {65: 'p.m.', 67: 'p.m.'}], '11pm': [{65: '11'}, {65: 'pm', 67: 'p.m.'}], '12a.m.': [{65: '12'}, {65: 'a.m.', 67: 'a.m.'}], '12am': [{65: '12'}, {65: 'am', 67: 'a.m.'}], '12p.m.': [{65: '12'}, {65: 'p.m.', 67: 'p.m.'}], '12pm': [{65: '12'}, {65: 'pm', 67: 'p.m.'}], '1a.m.': [{65: '1'}, {65: 'a.m.', 67: 'a.m.'}], '1am': [{65: '1'}, {65: 'am', 67: 'a.m.'}], '1p.m.': [{65: '1'}, {65: 'p.m.', 67: 'p.m.'}], '1pm': [{65: '1'}, {65: 'pm', 67: 'p.m.'}], '2a.m.': [{65: '2'}, {65: 'a.m.', 67: 'a.m.'}], '2am': [{65: '2'}, {65: 'am', 67: 'a.m.'}], '2p.m.': [{65: '2'}, {65: 'p.m.', 67: 'p.m.'}], '2pm': [{65: '2'}, {65: 'pm', 67: 'p.m.'}], '3a.m.': [{65: '3'}, {65: 'a.m.', 67: 'a.m.'}], '3am': [{65: '3'}, {65: 'am', 67: 'a.m.'}], '3p.m.': [{65: '3'}, {65: 'p.m.', 67: 'p.m.'}], '3pm': [{65: '3'}, {65: 'pm', 67: 'p.m.'}], '4a.m.': [{65: '4'}, {65: 'a.m.', 67: 'a.m.'}], '4am': [{65: '4'}, {65: 'am', 67: 'a.m.'}], '4p.m.': [{65: '4'}, {65: 'p.m.', 67: 'p.m.'}], '4pm': [{65: '4'}, {65: 'pm', 67: 'p.m.'}], '5a.m.': [{65: '5'}, {65: 'a.m.', 67: 'a.m.'}], '5am': [{65: '5'}, {65: 'am', 67: 'a.m.'}], '5p.m.': [{65: '5'}, {65: 'p.m.', 67: 'p.m.'}], '5pm': [{65: '5'}, {65: 'pm', 67: 'p.m.'}], '6a.m.': [{65: '6'}, {65: 'a.m.', 67: 'a.m.'}], '6am': [{65: '6'}, {65: 'am', 67: 'a.m.'}], '6p.m.': [{65: '6'}, {65: 'p.m.', 67: 'p.m.'}], '6pm': [{65: '6'}, {65: 'pm', 67: 'p.m.'}], '7a.m.': [{65: '7'}, {65: 'a.m.', 67: 'a.m.'}], '7am': [{65: '7'}, {65: 'am', 67: 'a.m.'}], '7p.m.': [{65: '7'}, {65: 'p.m.', 67: 'p.m.'}], '7pm': [{65: '7'}, {65: 'pm', 67: 'p.m.'}], '8)': [{65: '8)'}], '8-)': [{65: '8-)'}], '8-D': [{65: '8-D'}], '8D': [{65: '8D'}], '8a.m.': [{65: '8'}, {65: 'a.m.', 67: 'a.m.'}], '8am': [{65: '8'}, {65: 'am', 67: 'a.m.'}], '8p.m.': [{65: '8'}, {65: 'p.m.', 67: 'p.m.'}], '8pm': [{65: '8'}, {65: 'pm', 67: 'p.m.'}], '9a.m.': [{65: '9'}, {65: 'a.m.', 67: 'a.m.'}], '9am': [{65: '9'}, {65: 'am', 67: 'a.m.'}], '9p.m.': [{65: '9'}, {65: 'p.m.', 67: 'p.m.'}], '9pm': [{65: '9'}, {65: 'pm', 67: 'p.m.'}], ":'(": [{65: ":'("}], ":')": [{65: ":')"}], ":'-(": [{65: ":'-("}], ":'-)": [{65: ":'-)"}], ':(': [{65: ':('}], ':((': [{65: ':(('}], ':(((': [{65: ':((('}], ':()': [{65: ':()'}], ':)': [{65: ':)'}], ':))': [{65: ':))'}], ':)))': [{65: ':)))'}], ':*': [{65: ':*'}], ':-(': [{65: ':-('}], ':-((': [{65: ':-(('}], ':-(((': [{65: ':-((('}], ':-)': [{65: ':-)'}], ':-))': [{65: ':-))'}], ':-)))': [{65: ':-)))'}], ':-*': [{65: ':-*'}], ':-/': [{65: ':-/'}], ':-0': [{65: ':-0'}], ':-3': [{65: ':-3'}], ':->': [{65: ':->'}], ':-D': [{65: ':-D'}], ':-O': [{65: ':-O'}], ':-P': [{65: ':-P'}], ':-X': [{65: ':-X'}], ':-]': [{65: ':-]'}], ':-o': [{65: ':-o'}], ':-p': [{65: ':-p'}], ':-x': [{65: ':-x'}], ':-|': [{65: ':-|'}], ':-}': [{65: ':-}'}], ':/': [{65: ':/'}], ':0': [{65: ':0'}], ':1': [{65: ':1'}], ':3': [{65: ':3'}], ':>': [{65: ':>'}], ':D': [{65: ':D'}], ':O': [{65: ':O'}], ':P': [{65: ':P'}], ':X': [{65: ':X'}], ':]': [{65: ':]'}], ':o': [{65: ':o'}], ':o)': [{65: ':o)'}], ':p': [{65: ':p'}], ':x': [{65: ':x'}], ':|': [{65: ':|'}], ':}': [{65: ':}'}], ':’(': [{65: ':’('}], ':’)': [{65: ':’)'}], ':’-(': [{65: ':’-('}], ':’-)': [{65: ':’-)'}], ';)': [{65: ';)'}], ';-)': [{65: ';-)'}], ';-D': [{65: ';-D'}], ';D': [{65: ';D'}], ';_;': [{65: ';_;'}], '<.<': [{65: '<.<'}], '</3': [{65: '</3'}], '<3': [{65: '<3'}], '<33': [{65: '<33'}], '<333': [{65: '<333'}], '<space>': [{65: '<space>'}], '=(': [{65: '=('}], '=)': [{65: '=)'}], '=/': [{65: '=/'}], '=3': [{65: '=3'}], '=D': [{65: '=D'}], '=[': [{65: '=['}], '=]': [{65: '=]'}], '=|': [{65: '=|'}], '>.<': [{65: '>.<'}], '>.>': [{65: '>.>'}], '>:(': [{65: '>:('}], '>:o': [{65: '>:o'}], '><(((*>': [{65: '><(((*>'}], '@_@': [{65: '@_@'}], 'Adm.': [{65: 'Adm.'}], "Ain't": [{'number': 2, 65: 'Ai'}, {65: "n't", 67: 'not'}], 'Aint': [{'number': 2, 65: 'Ai'}, {65: 'nt', 67: 'not'}], 'Ain’t': [{'number': 2, 65: 'Ai'}, {65: 'n’t', 67: 'not'}], 'Ak.': [{65: 'Ak.', 67: 'Alaska'}], 'Ala.': [{65: 'Ala.', 67: 'Alabama'}], 'Apr.': [{65: 'Apr.', 67: 'April'}], "Aren't": [{'number': 2, 65: 'Are', 67: 'are'}, {65: "n't", 67: 'not'}], 'Arent': [{'number': 2, 65: 'Are', 67: 'are'}, {65: 'nt', 67: 'not'}], 'Aren’t': [{'number': 2, 65: 'Are', 67: 'are'}, {65: 'n’t', 67: 'not'}], 'Ariz.': [{65: 'Ariz.', 67: 'Arizona'}], 'Ark.': [{65: 'Ark.', 67: 'Arkansas'}], 'Aug.': [{65: 'Aug.', 67: 'August'}], 'Bros.': [{65: 'Bros.'}], "C'mon": [{65: "C'm", 67: 'come'}, {65: 'on'}], 'C++': [{65: 'C++'}], 'Calif.': [{65: 'Calif.', 67: 'California'}], "Can't": [{65: 'Ca', 67: 'can'}, {65: "n't", 67: 'not'}], "Can't've": [{65: 'Ca', 67: 'can'}, {65: "n't", 67: 'not'}, {65: "'ve", 67: 'have'}], 'Cannot': [{65: 'Can', 67: 'can'}, {65: 'not'}], 'Cant': [{65: 'Ca', 67: 'can'}, {65: 'nt', 67: 'not'}], 'Cantve': [{65: 'Ca', 67: 'can'}, {65: 'nt', 67: 'not'}, {65: 've', 67: 'have'}], 'Can’t': [{65: 'Ca', 67: 'can'}, {65: 'n’t', 67: 'not'}], 'Can’t’ve': [{65: 'Ca', 67: 'can'}, {65: 'n’t', 67: 'not'}, {65: '’ve', 67: 'have'}], 'Co.': [{65: 'Co.'}], 'Colo.': [{65: 'Colo.', 67: 'Colorado'}], 'Conn.': [{65: 'Conn.', 67: 'Connecticut'}], 'Corp.': [{65: 'Corp.'}], "Could've": [{65: 'Could', 67: 'could'}, {65: "'ve"}], "Couldn't": [{65: 'Could', 67: 'could'}, {65: "n't", 67: 'not'}], "Couldn't've": [{65: 'Could', 67: 'could'}, {65: "n't", 67: 'not'}, {65: "'ve", 67: 'have'}], 'Couldnt': [{65: 'Could', 67: 'could'}, {65: 'nt', 67: 'not'}], 'Couldntve': [{65: 'Could', 67: 'could'}, {65: 'nt', 67: 'not'}, {65: 've', 67: 'have'}], 'Couldn’t': [{65: 'Could', 67: 'could'}, {65: 'n’t', 67: 'not'}], 'Couldn’t’ve': [{65: 'Could', 67: 'could'}, {65: 'n’t', 67: 'not'}, {65: '’ve', 67: 'have'}], 'Couldve': [{65: 'Could', 67: 'could'}, {65: 've'}], 'Could’ve': [{65: 'Could', 67: 'could'}, {65: '’ve'}], 'C’mon': [{65: 'C’m', 67: 'come'}, {65: 'on'}], 'D.C.': [{65: 'D.C.'}], "Daren't": [{65: 'Dare', 67: 'dare'}, {65: "n't", 67: 'not'}], 'Darent': [{65: 'Dare', 67: 'dare'}, {65: 'nt', 67: 'not'}], 'Daren’t': [{65: 'Dare', 67: 'dare'}, {65: 'n’t', 67: 'not'}], 'Dec.': [{65: 'Dec.', 67: 'December'}], 'Del.': [{65: 'Del.', 67: 'Delaware'}], "Didn't": [{65: 'Did', 67: 'do'}, {65: "n't", 67: 'not'}], "Didn't've": [{65: 'Did', 67: 'do'}, {65: "n't", 67: 'not'}, {65: "'ve", 67: 'have'}], 'Didnt': [{65: 'Did', 67: 'do'}, {65: 'nt', 67: 'not'}], 'Didntve': [{65: 'Did', 67: 'do'}, {65: 'nt', 67: 'not'}, {65: 've', 67: 'have'}], 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{65: 'n’t', 67: 'not'}, {65: '’ve', 67: 'have'}], "Hasn't": [{65: 'Has', 67: 'has'}, {65: "n't", 67: 'not'}], 'Hasnt': [{65: 'Has', 67: 'has'}, {65: 'nt', 67: 'not'}], 'Hasn’t': [{65: 'Has', 67: 'has'}, {65: 'n’t', 67: 'not'}], "Haven't": [{65: 'Have', 67: 'have'}, {65: "n't", 67: 'not'}], 'Havent': [{65: 'Have', 67: 'have'}, {65: 'nt', 67: 'not'}], 'Haven’t': [{65: 'Have', 67: 'have'}, {65: 'n’t', 67: 'not'}], 'Havin': [{65: 'Havin', 67: 'having'}], "Havin'": [{65: "Havin'", 67: 'having'}], 'Havin’': [{65: 'Havin’', 67: 'having'}], "He'd": [{65: 'He', 67: 'he'}, {65: "'d", 67: "'d"}], "He'd've": [{65: 'He', 67: 'he'}, {65: "'d", 67: 'would'}, {65: "'ve", 67: 'have'}], "He'll": [{65: 'He', 67: 'he'}, {65: "'ll", 67: 'will'}], "He'll've": [{65: 'He', 67: 'he'}, {65: "'ll", 67: 'will'}, {65: "'ve", 67: 'have'}], "He's": [{65: 'He', 67: 'he'}, {65: "'s", 67: "'s"}], 'Hed': [{65: 'He', 67: 'he'}, {65: 'd', 67: "'d"}], 'Hedve': [{65: 'He', 67: 'he'}, {65: 'd', 67: 'would'}, {65: 've', 67: 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[{65: 'you', 67: 'you'}, {65: 'll', 67: 'will'}, {65: 've', 67: 'have'}], 'youre': [{65: 'you', 67: 'you'}, {65: 're', 67: 'are'}], 'youve': [{65: 'you', 67: 'you'}, {65: 've', 67: 'have'}], 'you’d': [{65: 'you', 67: 'you'}, {65: '’d', 67: "'d"}], 'you’d’ve': [{65: 'you', 67: 'you'}, {65: '’d', 67: 'would'}, {65: '’ve', 67: 'have'}], 'you’ll': [{65: 'you', 67: 'you'}, {65: '’ll', 67: 'will'}], 'you’ll’ve': [{65: 'you', 67: 'you'}, {65: '’ll', 67: 'will'}, {65: '’ve', 67: 'have'}], 'you’re': [{65: 'you', 67: 'you'}, {65: '’re', 67: 'are'}], 'you’ve': [{65: 'you', 67: 'you'}, {65: '’ve', 67: 'have'}], 'y’all': [{65: 'y’', 67: 'you'}, {65: 'all'}], '\xa0': [{65: '\xa0', 67: '  '}], '¯\\(ツ)/¯': [{65: '¯\\(ツ)/¯'}], '°C.': [{65: '°'}, {65: 'C'}, {65: '.'}], '°F.': [{65: '°'}, {65: 'F'}, {65: '.'}], '°K.': [{65: '°'}, {65: 'K'}, {65: '.'}], '°c.': [{65: '°'}, {65: 'c'}, {65: '.'}], '°f.': [{65: '°'}, {65: 'f'}, {65: '.'}], '°k.': [{65: '°'}, {65: 'k'}, {65: '.'}], 'ä.': [{65: 'ä.'}], 'ö.': [{65: 'ö.'}], 'ü.': [{65: 'ü.'}], 'ಠ_ಠ': [{65: 'ಠ_ಠ'}], 'ಠ︵ಠ': [{65: 'ಠ︵ಠ'}], '—': [{65: '—'}], '‘S': [{65: '‘S', 67: "'s"}], '‘s': [{65: '‘s', 67: "'s"}], '’': [{65: '’'}], '’Cause': [{65: '’Cause', 67: 'because'}], '’Cos': [{65: '’Cos', 67: 'because'}], '’Coz': [{65: '’Coz', 67: 'because'}], '’Cuz': [{65: '’Cuz', 67: 'because'}], '’S': [{65: '’S', 67: "'s"}], '’bout': [{65: '’bout', 67: 'about'}], '’cause': [{65: '’cause', 67: 'because'}], '’cos': [{65: '’cos', 67: 'because'}], '’coz': [{65: '’coz', 67: 'because'}], '’cuz': [{65: '’cuz', 67: 'because'}], '’d': [{65: '’d'}], '’em': [{65: '’em', 67: 'them'}], '’ll': [{65: '’ll', 67: 'will'}], '’nuff': [{65: '’nuff', 67: 'enough'}], '’re': [{65: '’re', 67: 'are'}], '’s': [{65: '’s', 67: "'s"}], '’’': [{65: '’’'}]}
class kazu.utils.spacy_pipeline.SpacyPipelines[source]

Bases: object

Wraps spaCy pipelines into a singleton, so multiple can be accessed from different locations without additional memory overhead.

In addition, due to a known memory issue, we reload each pipeline after a certain number of calls, namely reload_at.


In order for the Garbage Collector to remove old spaCy Vocab objects, users should ensure that spacy.Doc objects are de-referenced as soon as possible (i.e. that you don’t keep the results of process_single() or process_batch() around for a long time).

static add_from_func(name, func)[source]

Add a spaCy model from a callable.

Return type:


static add_from_path(name, path)[source]

Add a spaCy model from a path.

Convenience function to call add_from_func() with a wrapped version of spacy.load with the relevant path argument.

Return type:


static add_reload_callback_func(name, func)[source]

Add a callback when a model is reloaded.

If using spaCy components outside the context of a Language, these will also need to be reloaded when the underlying model is reloaded. This can be done by providing a zero argument, None return type callable. If you need to modify a field of an object with a callback, we recommend the use of functools.partial() to build the callback function.


Return type:


static get_model(name)[source]

Get the underlying Language for a given model key.


name (str)

Return type:


process_batch(texts: Iterable[tuple[str | Doc, Any]], model_name: str, as_tuples: Literal[True], **kwargs: Any) Iterable[tuple[Doc, Any]][source]
process_batch(texts: Iterable[str | Doc], model_name: str, as_tuples: Literal[False] = False, **kwargs: Any) Iterable[Doc]

Process an iterable of spacy.Doc or strings with a given spaCy model.

  • texts – either an iterable of ‘texts’ (spacy.Docs or strs) if as_tuples=False (the default), or an iterable of length 2 tuples (text, context) where context is an arbitrary python object that is provided back in the output alongside its matching text.

  • model_name – spaCy model to process texts with

  • as_tuples – If set to True (the default is False), texts are paired with a ‘context’ inside a tuple both in input and output. See the description of the texts argument and the output, and read the type information.

  • kwargs – passed to Language.pipe.


Iterable of spacy.Docs if as_tuples=False (the default). If as_tuples=True, the result is an Iterable of (doc, context) tuples.

process_single(text, model_name, **kwargs)[source]

Process a single Doc or text with a given spaCy model.

  • text (str | Doc)

  • model_name (str)

  • kwargs (Any) –

    passed to the call method of Language


Return type:



Reload a model, clearing the spaCy vocab.


model_name (str)

Return type:



The interval (number of calls) at which spaCy models are reloaded.

Normally set within the kazu model pack config using the environment variable KAZU_SPACY_RELOAD_INTERVAL, but if this isn’t set (either using the config or as a normal environment variable), this defaults to 1000.


As this class is a singleton, modifying this will change the reload value for all spaCy pipelines (i.e. globally).




A basic spaCy pipeline with a sentence splitter and a customised tokenizer.

Return type:
